We are an alliance of preservation advocates including Native American descendants, scientists representing a number of fields, and people from all walks of life, working together for the preservation of archaeological sites [link] and other cultural resources [link].


The California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance, Inc. (CCRPA) was formed in 1998 and incorporated as a 501 ( c ) (3) non-profit charitable organization in 2004 in response to accelerating development, especially in California and the continuing loss of a number of significant cultural and archaeological sites, including coastal villages and cemeteries in Orange County, California.


American Indians believe strongly that sites occupied by their ancestors should not be disturbed in any way, and archaeologists believe that non-intrusive investigations and preservation should be the norm and with proper planning are the least costly form of mitigation.


The CCRPA seeks to identify, preserve, and protect significant cultural resources, and especially those located in California.  We welcome everyone who supports these goals.